GRASROTANDEL FOR DNBS&As organised by parents for students named "Musikalgruppa Happy On Stage!"
Some dedicated parents have organized Grasrotandelen for DNBS&A, with the name "Musikalgruppa Happy On Stage!".
We greatly appreciate if those who make use of games in Norwegian Tipping want to contribute to DNBS&A at the same time.
The only thing you need to do is register with Norsk Tipping and you can play how little or how much you want. Then share your Grasrot andel with DNBS&A, and the profit will go to DNBS&A and these students connected to it directly for costumes, stage etc. And the percentage is of course not of the actual prize, but your "share" of Norwegian Tipping grassroots fund.
You may register online here:
Search either on "Musikalgruppa" or the organisation number: 996858340.
You may also register with a commissioner. You may give the name or the organisastion number directly to the commissioner. Or bring a copy of the info we have with relevant info (vervebrevet) where you will find a code that the commissioner may use to scan. See below here.
There is perhaps some grandmother, grandfather, aunt or uncle, or neighbor, or a friend who would like to support the students of DNBS&A this way. We appreciate all contributions!
In advance, thank you so much!
Kind regards
Management of DNBS&A