Talentutvikling i klassisk ballett i juni hvert år
Audition Bolshoi Ballet Academy Summer Intensives 14. mars 2020

DNBS&A avholder audition til Bolshoi Ballet Academy Summer intensive lørdag 14. mars 2020.

Adr: Grenseveien 32 A, 0571 Oslo, ved Carl Berners pl.
Registrering er 30 min før ballettimen starter.
Det arrangeres ballett klasser for alder 10 år-14 år med registrering fra kl 1030 og fra alder 14 pluss med registrering fra 1230.
Ballettklassen koster 500 kr.

Ballettklasse med Dmitry Povolotsky.

Registrering skjer på forhånd her:

Dmitry Povolotsky

At the age of 10, Dmitry Povolotsky was selected to attend the Bolshoi Ballet Academy in Moscow to study classical ballet.

After graduating from the Academy, Dmitry was awarded a full scholarship at the Juilliard School in New York City, where he received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in “Modern Dance and Choreography”.

Dmitry remained in New York City to perform with the Metropolitan Opera Ballet for eight seasons and to teach ballet and choreography at Harlem School of Arts.

His dance productions were performed in New York at Aaron Davis Hall, Performance Space 122, Kitchen Theatre Company and Location One Gallery.

After making his first short film in 2003, Dmitry decided to pursue a Master of Fine Arts at the Columbia University School of Arts’ Film Division.

His  most recent film, “My Father is Baryshnikov”, won several prestigious film awards, had  been released in movie theaters and continues to be shown on TV worldwide.

In 2014, Dmitry was invited to  work on a choreography team  for the Opening Ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi

Dmitry had been a master ballet teacher in Italy, USA, Mexico, Italy, Hong Kong and Australia. He is often invited to be a judge at International Dance Competitions

As Director of the Russian Ballet International (RBI) and of Bolshoi Ballet Academy Summer Intensives, Dmitry has produced several International Programs and Workshops for Bolshoi Ballet Academy.

His latest projects for the Bolshoi Ballet Academy are the yearly  Summer Intensives at Urbino University in Italy, Florence, Italy, Lugano, Switzerland,  Sydney and Melbourne Australia and Moscow, Russia. Dmitry is currently working on presenting Academy programs  in Brisbane and Perth, Australia  along with  Bolshoi Ballet Academy Method of Teacher Training  at Urbino University in Italy

In November 2019 ,Dmitry produced a performance of Bolshoi Ballet Academy in Rome, Italy for the International  Ballet Schools Gala Concert.